ICI Journals Master List 2022: 80.22
Submission until December 20
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1. Download APPLICATION. Fill in Word format
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2. Download TEMPLATE. Write an theses using this template.
Maximum text size 8 pages.
3. Send application file (regis-geconf.doc) and theses file (theses-geconf.doc):
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4.You will immediately receive a response from our Autoresponder - it means that the letter was successfully delivered to us.
5.Wait for our response with confirmation of acceptance and payment details (usually 1-3 days)
6. Pay and send confirmation of payment (screenshot / photo of receipt / simple text message about payment indicating the date, amount, time). Cost: 8$ per text
7. You can immediately receive a certificate of participation in the Conference and publication of abstracts in the Collection.
8. After 3-6 weeks, receive: Proceedings (ISBN-USA, DOI), Program, Diploma, Abstract publication on the website with DOI numbers.
Further information on the issue can be found in the Information Booklet.
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ICI Journals Master List 2022: 80.22
Submit an article of 8 or more pages to the German magazine and participation in the conference will be FREE
Submission to the new coconference "World scientific and technical trends '2024"
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